There is a scenario where delta struct serialized fast arrays can replicate changes that introduce additional elements to the array, but without changelists containing the new data. This needs furt ...
If a user uses Alt-tab to change to another window, the ReceivedFocus and LostFocus functions are not called as they would usually be called when using something such as Shift+F1 or Ctrl+Esc. Note: ...
Sometimes manual recompile is required to make a blueprint actually recompile data-only changes, but not always. If the last manual compile was with default values, then changes are not updated. If ...
A Simulating Physics component with StartAwake = false will be awoken by a Welded component If a welding occurs during the call to OnCreatePhysicsState, this breaks the start awake disabled flag. Th ...
After hitting this failure, if you try to deploy again, then it will work. This only occurs on the first attempt. Initially, I thought I hit a disc space issue I was hitting due to having a sample ...
When accessing a data table in BP and getting an Actor Class from it the Class will return NULL when in Standalone Game, Launching, or in a packaged game. This only seems to work in PIE. ...
A licensee reported some of their particles disappear when setting the actor's custom time dilation 0. This seems to happen when a particle is using PSA_Velocity as Screen Alignment. This repros in ...
When an image widget is set to draw as border it will no longer render as a border if the size is negative. The widget appears completely opaque. ...
in UMaterial::GetAllReferencedExpressions, the mobile branch ignores every CustomOutputExpressions including RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput. ...
Moving a property from a recently reparented BP to its new parent will assert in FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::MoveDependentSkelToReinst at ensure(PrevStructSize == NewStructSize) This only see ...