Changing Frame Buffer Pixel Format to Float RGBA makes the editor brighter

UE - Virtual Production - Oct 4, 2018

The editor is very desaturated and bright when Frame Buffer Pixel Format is set to Float RGBA This does not occur when set to 8bit RGBA or 10bit RGB, 2bit Alpha ...

Crash upon attempt to create destructible mesh of EditorSphere or EditorCube

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Oct 4, 2018

When attempting to create a destructible mesh from the Engine content folder, using the EditorSphere, or EditorCube Mesh will cause the editor to crash.   However, other meshes from this folder such ...

Removing a parameter from a blueprint function in a library can cause actor classes calling it to lose their parent or instance data

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 4, 2018

Compile errors caused by an actor calling a function with something hooked up to a removed parameter can cause that actor to lose it's place in the hierarchy. Typically, the actor will be fixed once ...

Set functions in UWindDirectionalSourceComponent are not exposed to be called from code

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 4, 2018

None of the Set functions in the UWindDirectionalSourceComponent are able to be called from code. The functions can be called from Blueprint, but without the ENGINE_API macro, none of the functions ...

Ensure Occurs When Using Russian Letters In a Text Variables

UE - Gameplay - Oct 4, 2018

The Editor will hang when using Russian characters for a text variable in a Blueprint. It seems to occur when using the character "л" is used. Only seems to occur once in a project. Found in 4.19 C ...

AssetManager does not correctly call delegates if bShouldUseSynchronousLoad is true

UE - Gameplay - Oct 3, 2018

There's a bug in UAssetManager::LoadAssetList where the passed in DelegateToCall is not being called in the bShouldUseSynchronousLoad case. This can cause gameplay logic to fail when that bool is tr ...

The Compile Single File option in UnrealVS fails if there is a space in the path to the Engine's root folder

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Oct 3, 2018

The Compile Single File option in UnrealVS fails if the Engine is located in a directory where there is a space somewhere in the path to the Engine's root directory. REGRESSION: No ...

LLDB 2-byte char data formatter script fails in Android Studio

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 3, 2018

Android Studio does not properly parse the distributed in 4.20. ...

x86 and x64 architectures fail to compile on Android with NDK14b+

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 3, 2018

x86 tries to compile as 64-BIT (get an error that sizeof(void *) != 4, and x86_64 fails to find wchar.h. ...