When rendering runtime virtual texture pages without throttling (when r.VT.MaxUploadsPerFrame is high or during Movie RenderQueue captures) the number of FRDGBuffers allocated by the Render Graph Bu ...
From Licensee: The bug comes from the call of the function `FoliagePartitioningUtils::Update` in the method `AInstancedFoliageActor::MoveInstancesForMovedComponent`. When the function `FoliageParti ...
Disabling collision of an actor after an overlap event will cause the event to fire twice This is working properly in 4.10-2674146 User Description: Calling on "Set Actor EnableCollision" or "Set ...
Distance Fields generated for the 4 basic static mesh assets in the modes panel appear to have artifacts or low resolution. This is only affecting certain shapes that I can see. Adding in assets fro ...
Importing an FBX to the editor on Linux with "Generate Lightmap UVs" checked to true will override UV Channel 0 rather than creating the lightmap on a seperate UV channel. ...
When adding/removing pins on a Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node, it can cause a crash. There are multiple ways to get this to happen when deleting pins, the order given in the reproduction step ...
When Blurring a Texture using Mip Gen Settings and setting the LOD Bias or Maximum Texture Size, the blur gets applied to the base Mip Level 0. This behavior is contrary to how it behaves when blur ...
Haptic effect for Oculus touch does not last longer than around 2 seconds even when set to a longer time. ...
Deferred decal does not appear if GTAO is enabled. ...