Inclusive Nativized Blueprints slower than Non Nativized Blueprints in packaged project

UE - Gameplay - Jul 1, 2019

When nativizing blueprints the packaged build of the project runs slower than a non-nativized version of the packaged project. Found in 4.22 CL#7053642 Reproduced in 4.21 CL#4753647, 4.24Main CL#7 ...

Selecting a text field that is displaying "Multiple Values" will rewrite all values for all selected entities to "Multiple Values"

Tools - Jun 14, 2015

Selecting a text field that is displaying "Multiple Values" will rewrite all values for all selected entities to "Multiple Values". Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.0, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2 ...

StaticMeshActors spawned at runtime are not visible until a property has been changed and also have no collision unless set to moveable

UE - Gameplay - Dec 22, 2015

Spawning a StaticMeshActor at runtime results in the StaticMeshActor not being visible until a property has been changed, such as the material for the Static Mesh. The spawned actor will also have n ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_ClothingSystemRuntime!FClothingSimulationNv::UpdateLod() [clothingsimulationnv.cpp:801]

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Apr 26, 2017

This is an early trending crash coming out of the 4.16 Preview. This has also been experienced internally on an internal project ([Link Removed]) User descriptionsCreate new cloth asset > Apply ne ...

[MetaSounds][Wave Player] - Looping sound waves is not sample accurate

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Aug 8, 2022

When playing the two metronome sounds, it is expected that when the 1bar asset loops, it will stay in time with the 12 bar asset; however, instead phasing begins to occur. This does not occur when ...

Lumen indirect lighting artifacts when far from world origin

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Feb 6, 2024

Lumen seems to not be using Large World Coordinates somewhere. The Lumen Scene develops artifacts at large distances (5000 KM) from the world origin. ...

Distant mesh / vista have visible Lumen bounces

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jun 15, 2024

Objects far outside of the Lumen Scene don't temporally accumulate screen traces, leading to heavy flickering. It appears that the temporal reprojection is failing when comparing the depth in "Scree ...

Static Meshes in sublevels disappear from world content browser if they are culled out of a cull distance volume during PIE

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Oct 25, 2016

Cull Distance Volumes cause objects within them to disappear from the World Composition window if they are culled out at runtime. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...

Vertex Animation anti-aliasing improvement

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 2, 2015

A licensee has reported that their vertex animations are leaving a lot of be desired with anti-aliasing. Specifically using vertex animated meshes can leave aliasing remnants behind while it's shift ...

Exporting Mannequin to Blender then Re-importing to UE4 Incorrectly Rotates Animations by 90 Degrees

OLD - Anim - Jun 16, 2015

Exporting the UE4 Mannequin to Blender then re-importing to UE4 breaks the animations, causing them to reimport rotated 90 degrees ...