Editor Crash When DFAO Viewport Has Zero Area

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 19, 2018

I've reproduced this crash in 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, and Main. Per licensee: The editor crashes if distance field ambient occlusion is enabled and a viewport is resized to have zero height. Th ...

Buffer Visualization Modes Are Inaccurate

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 19, 2018

In 4.18, Buffer Visualization Modes appear very similar to their representation in Buffer Overview. In 4.19 and Main (CL 4008322) the results are very blown out. Similar issue reported in [Link Remo ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FStaticMeshRenderData::AllocateLODResources() [staticmesh.cpp:775]

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 19, 2018

No user comments in crash group 771 void FStaticMeshRenderData::AllocateLODResources(int32 NumLODs) 772 { 773 check(LODResources.Num() == 0); 774 ***** while (LODResour ...

The nativized 'Array_Get' custom thunk implementation fails to properly initialize the item returned in the invalid index case.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 19, 2018

FCustomThunkTemplates::Array_Get() fails to properly initialize a default item when the index is invalid: Item = U{}; That will leave the item uninitialized (e.g. UDS types). Should be using the ...

Show Angular Limits for Anim Dynamics Node Does Not Show Constraints

OLD - Anim - Apr 18, 2018

Angular limits do not display in the viewport of the animation Blueprint Screenshots attached show expected verses results Issue does not occur in 4.18.3 Also a problem for FN: [Link Removed] ...

Hierarchy filtering does not work in world composition

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Apr 18, 2018

Report with proposed fixhttps://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/428300/world-composition-hierarchy-filtering.html ...

Editor Crashes When Reopened Project's Level that Contains Vertex Painted Asset is Opened

Tools - Apr 17, 2018

Editor crashes when asset is imported in as a skeletal mesh, brought into a level, vertex painted using the paint tab under modes, all assets are saved, project is reopened, then level is reopened. ...

Location accuracy is ignored by ULocationServicesIOSImpl

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 17, 2018

Location accuracy is ignored by ULocationServicesIOSImpl: bool ULocationServicesIOSImpl::InitLocationServices(ELocationAccuracy Accuracy, float UpdateFrequency, float MinDistance) { .. ...

Memory Leak during video playback when main thread blocks

Media Framework - Apr 17, 2018

Video frames are stored in a queue that keeps growing until the main thread ticks again. Can also be reproduced by playing video then clicking the import file button and leaving the file import dial ...

Behavior tree Composite node tool tip

UE - AI - Apr 17, 2018

In prior versions to 4.19, the tooltips for all the composite nodes had documentation detailing their use. ...