Frame 0 event does not get triggered when using SetPlaybackPosition

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 17, 2018

An event at frame 0 of a sequence does not seem to get called when using "SetPlaybackPosition 0" to reset the playback position to the start. This seems to be a regression. 4.17.2, the frame 0 even ...

IsEditorOnly Components hidden from Level Viewport

UE - Gameplay - Apr 13, 2018

Components of Static Actors seem to be hidden in the Editor Details panel whenever IsEditorOnly is selected. ...

Syncing a texture from source control while a material editor sampling it is open will crash the editor

Tools - Apr 13, 2018

Syncing to source control will cause a crash if a texture is synced that is being referenced by an open material editor, even if the texture hasn't been modified. A quick solution may be to close th ...

Viewport camera teleports to past position on Alt + LMB + Drag after camera cut lock

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 13, 2018

When you unlock the viewport from "Lock viewport to Camera Cuts" of a camera cut, tumbling the camera can teleport the view into the camera's previous(before entering the camera cut) position and tu ...

Foliage Disappears Using OpenGL4 in Packaged Game

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 11, 2018

This issue cannot be reproduced in 4.18 but can be reproduced in 4.19.1 as well as Main (CL 3998250) therefore I am marking this as a regression. ...

Physics values uneditable in instances of placed Actors

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 11, 2018

Most physics options are not editable in placed instances of a Static Mesh with an Actor Parent. ...

The CopySkinnedModelData() function is no longer called from anywhere in the Engine

OLD - Anim - Apr 11, 2018

The CopySkinnedModelData() function is no longer referenced by any code in the Engine as of 4.19. The function should either be marked as deprecated or removed from the Engine. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_MovieScene!FMovieSceneEvaluationTrack::EvaluateStatic() [moviesceneevaluationtrack.cpp:445]

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 11, 2018

No comments from users in crash group 442 void FMovieSceneEvaluationTrack::EvaluateStatic(FMovieSceneSegmentIdentifier SegmentID, const FMovieSceneEvaluationOperand& Operand, FMovieSceneConte ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy::FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy() [landscaperender.cpp:680]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 11, 2018

User comment in crash group:Wanted to delete a single field of my landscape wich is very big. Same error appears if I try to get a part of the landscape to another streaming level. Would be cool if ...

Packaging Fails Due to Camera Cut of Sequencer in 4.19

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 10, 2018

Projects that worked normally in 4.18, failures occurred in 4.19. Resolve by replacing the contents of the LevelSequence that is the cause of the problem with the new asset.Perhaps a problem has occ ...