Crash force deleting blueprint being used as a Child Actor Component in an actor in the level

UE - Gameplay - Components - Mar 23, 2018

REGRESSION: Yes, the crash does not occur in 4.18. A crash occurs when the user force deletes an actor blueprint that is being used as a child actor component in another blueprint that's in the lev ...

Crash on PIE exit after dynamically enabling and disabling tick functions through the Level Script blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Mar 23, 2018

User reports hitting an assertion due to invalid FTickTaskManager state when game is attempting to unregister a tick function that was previously disabled dynamically. Failed assertion is in FTickT ...

Editor will crash while instancing nested AIPerception component template subobjects in an AIController-based Blueprint class during compile-on-load.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 23, 2018

User report of an assertion that fires on editor reload during an attempt to reload an AIController-based Blueprint class with a dependency on a child Blueprint class, both created in a previous edi ...

Setting the name of a State or Conduit node to an extremely long string causes a crash

OLD - Anim - Mar 22, 2018

Setting the name of a State or Conduit node to an extremely long string causes a crash This issue is not a regression. ...

Cannot build project for Shipping when bUseLoggingInShipping is set to true for a project that uses replicated properties

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 22, 2018

Enabling bUseLoggingInShipping for a project prevents the project from being built for Shipping if the project includes replicated properties. This is only an issue with binary builds of the Engine. ...

Per Poly Collision Not Updating

OLD - Anim - Mar 22, 2018

Per poly collision does not update/follow the mesh when the mesh is moved via Blueprint Does not occur in 4.18 ...

Arguments out of order in call to FMemory::Memset() from UTexture2DFactoryNew::FactoryCreateNew()

Tools - Mar 22, 2018

The call to FMemory::Memset() in UTexture2DFactoryNew::FactoryCreateNew() appears to reverse the expected order of the second and third arguments. Most other calls to FMemory::Memset() appear to sen ...

Crash Occurs When Deleting Virtual Bones that are Referenced in Post Process Anim Blueprint

OLD - Anim - Mar 22, 2018

When a post process anim Blueprint that uses a virtual bone is used in the Skeletal Mesh and the virtual bone is deleted from the skeleton, crash occurs -The Post Process Anim Blueprint is set in ...