Game start slowing down when there are more than 10 sprites in the level

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Apr 10, 2018

Sprites seem to be drastically affecting FPS in 4.19 projects on Mac devices. ...

Normal of Skeletal Mesh is incorrect when Recompute Tangent is used when Skincache is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 12, 2020

This issue occurs in Skeletal Mesh depending on the model when Skincache is enabled and affects the rendering. ...

Hot reloading newly created C++ project compiles modules

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 25, 2017

This is a regression from 4.15.2 and occurs on both Windows and Mac. Affects both Binary and Github builds. ...

Copy Pose From Mesh Node Does Not Preview in Sequencer

OLD - Anim - Jun 13, 2018

Copy Pose From Mesh node does not affect the animation when previewing in Sequencer. This works when played in the editor. ...

Console is off screen in VR preview when windows scaling is set to 150% or above

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2018

Windows scaling appears to affect the HMD if the project is open on a screen with window scaling being used. ...

Significant editor slowdowns when moving blueprinted actors while having a different complex blueprint open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 7, 2021

A Blueprinted actor's construction script time can be affected by the complexity of an opened level Blueprint. ...

Documentation button redirects to 404 error page in Match3

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 23, 2016

The documentation button does not redirect to the correct documentation page. Tested on iPhone6S_6240 OS: 9.3.4 ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-Kismet.dylib!FTabInfo::OnMouseDownHisory(FGeometry const&, FPointerEvent const&, TWeakPtr<SMenuAnchor,()

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 20, 2017

This is a common crash affecting Mac users in 4.16. It has occurred since at least 4.13 ...

Background blur missing with HDR CompositeMode 1

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 29, 2021

UPD: According to Affects Version field, issue reproduces in 4.26, Regression for 4.27 - No. ...

GearVR crash with material using Fresnel or WPO on Snadragon S7

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 19, 2016

Talking with ChrisB, this has been passed to Samsung and Qualcomm for investigation with the Signal 11 crash. This only affects the Snapdragon S7 devices. ...