Niagara Skeletal Mesh DI Component Tag filter doesn't copy over when copying DI

UE - Niagara - Jun 1, 2023

UNiagaraDataInterfaceSkeletalMesh::CopyToInternal and UNiagaraDataInterfaceSkeletalMesh::Equals do not account for the component tags, so the tags array will be empty when the DI is copied. ...

Crash with Ensure when resizing layout

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 1, 2023

This is a regression as the issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.1.1 - CL 23901901 ...

Shader Crash with Nanite in UE::RHICore::ValidateStaticUniformBuffer

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jun 1, 2023

This appears to be a general crash when a SingleLayerWater material is assigned to a Nanite Mesh. ...

EditorCube added to the scene with a Geometry Script will have reversed normals

UE - Graphics Tools - Modeling Tools - GeometryScripting - May 31, 2023

The work around is to use the modeling mode normal tool to regenerate normals. This appears to mainly occur on any cubes added by the "Copy Mesh from Static Mesh" Regression tested in 5.0.3 at CL 2 ...

Creating "Level Sequence with Shot" with spawnable cameras creates duplicate cameras

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 31, 2023

This is not a regression as it does occur in //UE5/Release-5.1 @ CL 23901901 Repro Rate: 3/3 times ...

[AI] StateTree can get stuck in a loop when a sub-tree returns Tree Succeeded

UE - AI - StateTree - May 30, 2023

After a change to how StateTree handles Sub-trees returning succeeded, StateTree can now get caught in a loop when trying to transition out of the StateTree. Sub-tree completion and status should tr ...

Actor Soft Reference in LevelInstance does not have a Referenced Object during PIE

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - May 30, 2023

When setting an actor on a level to the SoftObjectRefence(Type:Actor) variable and outputting the object name as a PrintString, the object name cannot be correctly obtained if the set actor is place ...

TBaseBlendedCurve::ConvertToAdditive adds a curve track to an additive when the curve only exists in the base pose

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 29, 2023

When we create curves on additive animations, we are creating a curve based on whether the curve exists in either the base or additive pose.  This wouldn't be the expected behaviour for a user when ...

[Ensure] LoadStreamingLevel and UnloadStreamingLevel are called at the same tick

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - May 29, 2023

There is no particular error. Developer can ignore it. ...

PCG Graph on 2x2 Landscape incorrectly displays weight on paint layers

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - PCG Graph - May 26, 2023

In my example picture I have "Grass" set as the target attribute area but the debug cubes are appearing on the dirt and snow as well.  This only happens when the landscape subsections are set to 2x ...