When migrating a struct with a soft reference from 4.17 (or older) to a newer version of the engine, the soft reference will have it's default value converted to an integer after a new member variab ...
When importing a camera from maya through .fbx, focus distance is not correctly imported. See images attached. Client initially reported. Can reproduce. ...
No known steps to reproduce There is a UEMP bug entered but wanted to make one UE side for visibility: UEMP-8 ...
If the user attempts to generate HLOD actors in a persistent level, when the sublevels have HLOD System disabled, they will receive the following warning: WorldSettings Hierarchical LOD System is di ...
When enabling the AudioDeviceModuleName=AudioMixerXAudio2 setting in the windowsengine.ini file it causes new level loads to lock up. This may be due to the garbage collection stuck in a loop wai ...
Notify will not move past the center of the notify bar when on a High DPI display -currently syncing to main will update regarding weather this occurs in newest engine version ...
Using incorrect formatting in FText does not cause compilation errors in EnsureMsgf as it does in other functions such as UE_LOG. This causes crashes to sneak through such as a crash on ensure when ...
https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/419239/uk2node-genericcreateobject-compile-issue.html ...
Naming an SCS component variable something like "My Scene" results in a component template UObject named "My Scene_GEN_VARIABLE" (space included). This causes the property editor/details view to fa ...
New elements are not being initialized properly when setting up the default value for arrays of user-defined structures in nativized Blueprint C++ constructor code. ...