Crash when changing shadow scalability settings to low, then clicking in the viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 9, 2016

A crash occurs after setting the shadow scalabilty settings to "low" then clicking on an item in the viewport. The issue also occurs when setting all of the scalabilty settings to low at one time as ...

Assertion failed in DX12 RHI after instancing actors

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 8, 2019

It doesn't happen with the DX11 RHI ...

Deleting audio subtrack deletes the entire track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 20, 2017

Noticed that deleting audio subtrack deletes the entire track. This also appear to happen to affect any property on the track. If I make it inactive or lock it that property applies to each subtrac ...

Inconsistency between Rotation Widget and Transform details

Tools - Mar 7, 2016

The rotation widget and Rotation details sidebar have inconsistent values when rotating using the widget. Also, when hitting a 90 degree rotation from 0, 0, 0, the other axis values are affected. ...

Scroll bar becomes so large that you can no longer scroll with Cloth Config open

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 11, 2017

Scroll bar becomes so large that you can no longer scroll with Cloth Config open [Link Removed] is a similar report, but this actually affects functionality of the details panel. [Image Removed] ...

Increment / Decrement nodes do not call BlueprintSetter functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 31, 2017

When BlueprintGetter / BlueprintSetter specifiers are used for a property, the increment/decrement nodes in blueprints will call the BluprintGetter function but not the BlueprintSetter function. Th ...

Hot Reload wipes all elements of UProperty TArrays in Blueprint subclasses

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Dec 5, 2017

Hot reloading a change that affects a class that contains a TArray UProperty will wipe all of the array elements of any Blueprint subclasses of that class. Regression?: Yes This does not occur in 4 ...

Toggling visibility of Sublevels on a server can cause a disconnect if Dynamic Actors exist in the sublevels.

UE - Networking - Aug 17, 2018

The PackageMap / NetGuidCache appear to get into a bad state on Clients if the Server toggles level visibility of a sublevel. This can affect currently connected clients, as well as clients that jo ...

Crash(Assert) CurrentGWorld != PlayWorld || bIsSimulatingInEditor

UE - Gameplay - Feb 25, 2019

Crash when attempting to return to Main Menu when playing Shootergame in a New Editor Window. Unable to upgrade+test Shootergame in 4.22+ due to deprecation of Possess() and other compile errors. ...

3DS Max 2019 asset has incorrect object position and rotation when imported in Datasmith

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - May 20, 2019

When this asset is imported into 4.22.1(4.22E0) it has incorrect object position and rotation. In 4.21.2 (4.21E3) the asset has the correct object position and rotation. ...