Licensee reports that Procedural Mesh Component is apparently limited to 4 UV channels, which indeed appears to be the case (e.g. UProceduralMeshComponent::CreateMeshSection arbitrarily processing 4 ...
Recording a media bundle will create a reference to a Synth sound on the Media Sound Component that will prevent the sequence from saving properly. This can be worked around by saving as a possessab ...
Marking as a regression as this issue does not occur in 4.25.4 ...
It seems that the Activate Reverb Effect node is no longer functioning when put behind a Delay node. In the test project, there is an empty actor with a Event Begin Play connected to a Delay node wh ...
Renderer bindings aren't being accounted for in a parameter's reference count. ...
When two controllers connected, player2 input is disabled in client mode in PIE. It worked correctly in 4.25, but it has been wrong since 4.26. Digging into FSlateApplication::ProcessKeyDownEve ...
I've attached the project log, crashreport, and crash info to this ticket. This issue only appears to be happening on Linux (On both Nvidia/AMD cards) and does not happen when the hair is disabled i ...
Non nanite mesh have an outline that match lit geometry, but not nanite meshes. The plan is to enable temporal upsampling by default in 5.0, so this issue will become problematic [Link Removed ...