[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!ULandscapeInfo::RegisterActor() [landscape.cpp:1882]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 28, 2017

This is a common crash coming out of the 4.17 release. User Descriptionstrying to delete landscape related stuff A similar callstack was seen in an older issue, [Link Removed]. Source Context ...

Crash when moving actor on viewport with HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 28, 2017

Create ActorBP has StaticMesh is not assigned to HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent. Place this actor on the level, and bind the StaticMesh from the Detail tab and add the appropriate Instance ...

Color and Opacity animation option does not play for Button component

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 25, 2017

Color and Opacity animation option does not play for Button component, this occurs both in the Widget editor and during play. This issue is not a regression Versions Tested: 4.16.3 - CL: 3561208 - ...

Crash trying to rename a checked out umap

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Aug 25, 2017

Editor crashes when a person renames a umap asset in the Content Browser that is checked out by another person. This doesn't occur if the user has the asset checked out themselves. ...

Crane doesn't work in a packaged game

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 24, 2017

Blueprint Diff tool fails to find nodes deleted from an Anim BP and also shows the incorrect State Machine rule

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 24, 2017

When using the Blueprint Diff tool to diff an Animation Blueprint, it fails to find nodes that have been deleted from a State Machine rule. It also fails to show the correct State Machine rule when ...

Cut/Copy doesn't work on Linux when using the right-click menu

UE - Platform - Linux - Aug 24, 2017

Trying to cut or copy text / references using the options from the right click menu does not actually copy the selection to the clipboard. The right click menu will show the Paste option grayed out ...

Undoing the pasting of a copied node from the Blueprint Diff tools causes an access violation crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 24, 2017

The editor crashes with an Access Violation if a node that was copied and pasted from the Blueprint Diff tools is removed via an undo. Regression?: No This issue also occurred in 4.16 Branches tes ...

Foliage meshes do not appear in high res screenshots after certain amount

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 24, 2017

When using the Engine's High Res Screenshot tool, there is a limit on the amount of foliage that can be present before the meshes stop appearing. This number is around 1500 meshes, though I was not ...

Level Sequences with EnableCinematicMode set will enable cinematic mode when the sequence actor is spawned, not when the sequence is played.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 23, 2017

We've added the option to automatically enable cinematic mode from a level sequence, but the change is made in the sequence actor's BeginPlay. This won't cause problems if the sequence is spawned an ...