Specular Highlight Much Stonger/Larger In Forward Shading

UE - Graphics Features - May 15, 2017

In forward shading specular highlights appear to be much larger for very smooth materials in contrast to the deferred shader. In 4.14.3 the specular highlights were displaying correctly in forward s ...

Crash playing in ShooterGame

UE - Gameplay - May 15, 2017

Crash occurs when playing ShooterGame in editor. I could not reproduce this issue in Main. ...

Landscapes do not Render when used with Lighting Scenarios on Mobile

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 15, 2017

Landscapes disappear using Lighting Scenarios when deployed to a mobile device. When playing in the editor using the mobile previewer, everything looks as expected. It only occurs when deployed to ...

Alt tabbing into the Blueprint Editor while a Microsoft IME keyboard is active causes the editor to freeze

Tools - May 15, 2017

If you change focus to the Blueprint Editor (Alt+tab) while a Microsoft IME keyboard is active, the editor will freeze for a short time. The duration of the freeze is dependent on the number of blue ...

Placing a Physics Constraint Component in an Actor Triggers a Warning During PIE When There Are No Constrained Components

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 15, 2017

A warning is appearing in the output log during PIE when an actor contains a Physics Constraint component that does not have any constrained components set. This did not occur in 4.15.2, this is a ...

EngineTest.uproject requires OnlineSubsystemMCP

Tools - May 13, 2017

Licensees are unable to run GenerateProjectFiles.bat from a perforce pull due to a non-optional OSSMcp dependency ...

Reset FOV back to defaults when closing Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 12, 2017

Create level sequence.Create camera actor by clicking on the camera icon. The view is locked (piloting) automatically.Exit Sequencer by closing the Sequencer window. Piloting stops but the FOV is stil ...

Cannot update Collision profile of Cloth Assets

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - May 12, 2017

Cannot update Collision profile of Cloth Assets. From what I can tell, the collision profile is embedded in the Clothing Asset when it's created. However, if you change your physics asset and want ...

Texture Heap Allocations cause editor freeze when opening the texture editor on Mac

UE - Graphics Features - May 12, 2017

Opening a texture into the texture editor cause the editor process to "beachball" or hang indefinitely. Note: I'm also seeing this in UE4/Main on this mac, it could be a local issue or an idiosy ...

Spin Box delta does not appear to affect how the spin box increments through its values when clicking and dragging with the mouse

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 12, 2017

Spin Box delta does not appear to affect how the spin box increments through its values when clicking and dragging with the mouse. The spin box appears to increment/decrement by more or less dependi ...