Creating a MID makes the render state dirty and the engine will recreate a new scene proxy without the current attitude. This results in rendering the object in incorrect location. Here is a tempor ...
When using the "Reload" asset action on a String Table asset, any Text variables that reference the string table would break and say "<MISSING STRING TABLE ENTRY>". ...
Licensee noted that editor-only code from the Sun Position Calculator engine plugin was causing a warning in packaged builds. A similar issue was reported for 4.22 [Link Removed], but this appears t ...
When a blueprint's component hierarchy is changed by changing a child component's mobility value to Static while deleting its parent component which has Movable mobility, levels saved with an outdat ...
We should get to the bottom of this workaround and revert it eventually. Reported here: [Link Removed] ...
WidgetComponent controls widgets through VirtualWindow, but VirtualWindow does not have HWND, so IME cannot be enabled. The following workaround enables IME activation. void FSlateEditableTextLay ...
This bug causes an editor crash. This crash occurs when changing the default values of a UStructs properties that are used as EditConditions, when they are set to InlineEditConditionToggle within a ...
The Editor become unresponsive and then has very low frame rates after activating the Player Collision view mode in the Small_City_LVL and Large_City_LVL maps in the CitySample project. The curre ...
Volumetric Lightmaps are not shared between Persistent maps that have the same sublevels. Also observed in Release-5.4, CL 32500436 ...