Normal tangents aren't recalculated on skeletal meshes with bone transforms when recompute tangent is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 9, 2016

Enabling recompute tangents on a skeletal mesh does not recompute tangent normals for translated parts of the skelmesh. If you addr.SkinCache.CompileShaders=1r.SkinCache.Mode=1r.SkinCache.Recompute ...

Calling FHttpResponsePtr::GetContentLength() from OnRequestProgress delegate returns different values on Mac/iOS than Windows

Tools - Nov 9, 2016

Licensee was looking for a way to get total file size to display download progress. On Windows (which uses the curl library for Http request/response), binding a function to the OnRequestProgress d ...

Shift drag objects pivot causing broken movement

Tools - Nov 8, 2016

In another related bug UE-38381, but this bug causes the cube to instantly move to where your mouse is located after shift is released a second time. This occurs in 4.13 therefore not a regression ...

Shift drag Pivot on an Object in editor does not work

Tools - Nov 8, 2016

When holding shift on any axis, the camera follows the object when you move around the level. When trying to do this with the pivot, the cube does not move at all. This issue is present in 4.13 as ...

Question marks are converted to %3F when used in the Launch URL node on an iOS device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 8, 2016

When the Launch URL blueprint node is used to open a link on an iOS device, any question marks in the URL are converted to %3F instead and invalidate the link. This is different from the behavior on ...

Ambient Cubemap Assignment in Post Process Volume does not work with Forward Renderer

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 8, 2016

The Ambient Cubemap assignment in a Post Process Volume doesn't work when using the Forward Renderer. I want to note that Cubemap assignment in the Skylight does work. I checked this just to make s ...

Some Landscape Sculpt tools not available in VREditor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Nov 8, 2016

Due to the panel being cut off, some of the landscape tools are currently unavailable to sculpt with ...

Custom Node using GetPointClampedSampler causes Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 8, 2016

A licensee is getting a crash when using the GetPointClampedSampler within a Custom Node. Regression? No, this crash occurs in 4.12.5, 4.13.2, and the 4.14 preview 3 release. ...

Tangent normals are recalculated by default on skeletal meshes with blend shapes

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 8, 2016

In 4.13 if you imported a skeletal mesh with a blendshape and run the blend shape. The normals are not recalculated. To Recalculate the normals during runtime you need to edit the Console Variables ...

Changing Blueprint Interface's Const Status Doesn't Update Blueprints its Already Implemented In

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 8, 2016

Implementing an interface that contains const functions and later attempting to change these functions to be non-const does not update the status of the functions inside of the actor they are implem ...