In the Animation Starter Pack, if you hold down W+A simultaneosly to move Forward/Left OR S+D to move Backward/Right, the character does not face the proper direction and will appear to "slide" acro ...
Users reporting that they cannot preview morph target animations while scrubbing through matinee. They suspect that it may be caused by this update in the release notes: "New: Optimized Matinee Act ...
Using the test asset provide the editor will crash when changing the import to Skeletal Mesh. This is a regression from 4.13 where this could be imported as Skeletal Mesh without issue. In 4.14 an ...
When archiving a project in the project launcher (UFE), the project will fail if there are spaces in the folder it's being archived to. ...
UMG supports sprite as an image, but using this as source do not correctly cut sprite's region which limits border textures to be separated textures. If the Image has a material, size do not match ...
It looks like the Switch On Gameplay Tag Container node stopped working in 4.15. The Switch On Gameplay Tag works fine. ...
On the 6S, the SunTemple scene is almost unresponsive. As the player uses the thumbsticks, the lightmaps from the windows rotate to mach the player's movement; but they are the only thing. This doe ...
When this problem occurs, "MaterialExpression" is null in FMaterialInstanceParameterDetails::GetParameterExpressionDescription. ...
When compiling an animBP with a Sub Anim Instance node with a connection to an exposed variable, warning will be displayed. When there is no connection to the Sub Anim Instance node, no warning wi ...
When a non-replicated actor is destroyed on the client through the use of bNetForce, any child actors that are also non-replicated will not be destroyed correctly. ...