Unable to Exit the 'Device Profiles' Console Variables Dialog Menu Easily

Tools - Jun 1, 2015

When adding a new variable to a new or existing 'Device Profile' it becomes difficult to close the dialog window. You are unable to click out or press the escape button once in order to close the di ...

WidgetBlueprint::DrawLines has broken AA on sharp cornered lines

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 9, 2016

WidgetBlueprintLibrary::DrawLines which calls FSlateDrawElement::MakeLines has broken AA for sharp cornered lines. ...

Sounds Triggered on Android playback 3 times in quick Succession

UE - Audio - Oct 1, 2015

Users are reporting that when playing sounds in projects deployed to their Android Devices, the playback is triggered three times in quick succession. There are known work arounds to this issue, li ...

Foliage Painted on BSP is Deleted after Building Geometry

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Dec 15, 2014

After painting foliage meshes on a BSP surface and rebuilding the level (more specifically the geometry), the meshes are deleted. This bug is especially nasty because you cannot Ctrl+Z after buildi ...

Inputs on Find Item Node Can be Connected to Executions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 27, 2016

When using a Find Item node to search for something in an array, you are able to connect execution pins to the node, which then changes it to require an array of execs as an input. ...

Color Picker always select sRGB color space even when toggled off

Tools - Jan 9, 2015

The Color Picker is showing a difference in color space when toggling the sRGB setting, but the final resultant color is always the sRGB true color. ...

Assigning a new Collision Channel to an already fractured Destructible will cause a crash

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Sep 6, 2016

The editor will crash when assigning a new collision channel to an already fractured destructible mesh. Tested in: 4.13 CL-3106830 4.14 Dev-Main CL-3109838 ...

Using r.RenderTargetPool.Events in debug configurations causes breakpoint in VS

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 3, 2016

Building a project in a debug configuration and then running through VS debugger will trigger a breakpoint if the console command 'r.RenderTargetPool.Events' is used. ...

Animated FBX with no bones imports with jittery rotation

Tools - Jun 6, 2016

Animated FBX with no bones imports with jittery rotation ...

Performance Drop Occurring During PIE When Blueprint is Open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 20, 2016

Having a blueprint open during PIE causes a significant drop in performance. Having multiple blueprints open can almost render more complicated projects unplayable. The user has reported 120 fps wi ...