Incorrect collision of merged actor that was merged from a Spline Mesh Component

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 10, 2017

Incorrect collision of merged actor that was merged from a Spline Mesh Component Licensee description: We often use spline mesh blueprints to generate organic art for us, like roots, trees, and r ...

t.MaxFPS 0 locks FPS to 120 instead of unlocking it in Viewport

Tools - Nov 7, 2017

When unlocking FPS in Viewport it defaults to 120 instead of potential max FPS. If you do this during Launch the 't.MaxFPS 0' or 't.MaxFPS -1' commands unlock the FPS to the max the GPU allows in th ...

Deleting animation key values of ParagonKhaimera's 1D BlendSpace while the animation is previewing in Animation Editor will result in Engine crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 30, 2019

Deleting ParagonKhaimera BlendSpace 1D key values while the animation is previewing in Animation Editor will result in Engine crash. ...

Broken assignation of materials when merging meshes

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Jul 18, 2019

See the following UDN for a good visual explanation of the bug: Seems like this was introduced around CL 5639656. ...

Playing as a Pawn that is a Duplicate of a Blueprint Class doesn't create an Attribute Set

UE - Gameplay - Oct 1, 2019

Creating a duplicate of a Blueprint class that has an AttributeSet seems to be interfering with the creation of the AttributeSet. ...

Hotreload on c++ native actor component class will cause BP edit malfunctioned

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 9, 2020

[Image Removed] When the BP editor is opened, hot-reload compile will wrongly serialize a HORRELOAD_XXX object into the BP class and package which can not be found when Editor is opened again after ...

Niagara Emitter editor forgets Timeline playback ranges

UE - Niagara - Sep 14, 2020

This seems to only affect an emitter and not a system asset. ...

Crash when creating a static mesh from a Procedural Mesh Component that has been used with a Create Mesh Section node

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - May 5, 2021

When creating a static mesh from a Procedural Mesh Component that has been used by a Create Mesh Section node, the editor crashes. The editor doesn't crash when selecting the Create Static Mesh butt ...

Level instance in unloaded data layer stays loaded.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Sep 19, 2022

[Audio Gameplay Volumes][Google Resonance] - Resonance Plugin Reverb Settings do not work on AGVs

UE - Audio - Oct 18, 2022

Resonance Reverb Effects are not working on Audio Gameplay Volumes. They are working on legacy Audio Volumes.  ...