SkeletalMesh editor: Make static mesh mess the LOD 1 plus material slot

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 28, 2024

Custom buffer visualization material instance problem

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 28, 2024

Material Instances used in Custom Buffer Visualizations do not respect parameter overrides, and use the parent material's values. Also tested on UE5-Main, CL: 34543023 ...

README files for Mover and Network Prediction are missing from distributed UE builds

UE - Gameplay - Network Prediction - Jun 27, 2024

The Network Prediction and Mover plugins both have readme files in their plugin's root, but these files are somehow filtered out during the process of assembling a distributed build. ...

Geometry Collections don't support any collision visualization modes (Collision, CollisionVisibility or CollisionPawn)

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 27, 2024

Geometry collection objects do not display any collision visualization, either collision color or wireframe overlay when the view mode is set to Player Collision or Collision Visibility or when the ...

USkeletalMeshComponent::SkeletalMeshAsset modified value is lost when changing via level details panel

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 27, 2024

USkeletalMeshComponent::SkeletalMeshAsset is transient so it seems that any modified value that is set via the level details panel on an existing actor is lost.  We deal with this same problem for o ...

Cloth Asset - Cloth bounces off wildly during the rendering of a sequence in MRQ.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jun 26, 2024

The motion blur rendering is causing some issues when rendering the cloth asset as the timestep wildly changes without the number of substeps being increased, The movie pipeline code needs to man ...

pose search cook determinism issue

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jun 26, 2024

Bug in StringTemplate.cpp related to modulo operator in MaterialTemplate.ush (code fix provided)

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 25, 2024

Shader Template files like MaterialTemplate.ush do not submit previous chunks when encountering a `%` character, unless that `%` character is `%s` or `% {...} `. Because the error is happening ...

Nanite compute materials don't work with VolumetricLightmap

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Jun 25, 2024

Crash when starting PIE on a World Partition level with a Niagara Component inside nested Child Actor Components

UE - Niagara - Jun 25, 2024

Consider an actor containing a Niagara Particle System Component, which is instantiated from another actor's Child Actor Component. When initializing PIE on a World Partition level containing this s ...