When playing a sound with the bProcedural = true option enabled. The associated sound will then drop samples when played. The licensee who originally reported the issue actually has provided a fix i ...
Setting a ComboBox on the Server does not always work. In the attached project, a Multicast Event runs some Set Options, all but one of which appear to work on both Clients and Server. On the Server ...
Crash when using a Self reference with a Custom Event variable that is using Pass By Reference. The crash only seems to occur if the setup was created in the Player Controller class. This was origi ...
This is a somewhat common crash affecting users in 4.17. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 165 if (GWarn) 166 { ...
Is changing the world to meters in the current 4.19 AR template project supposed to affect the world, or is world to meters only for VR projects currently? We have project where a client wants us to ...
Placing a Precomputed Visibility Volume around or through a landscape does not seem to calculate precomputed visibility for that landscape. This is a regression from behavior in 4.7.6. Also Tested ...
In 4.7 you could select multiple material assets in the content browser, right click and choose Asset Actions > Property Matrix to bulk edit material properties, but in 4.8 and 4.9, this feature is ...
Adding an Actor Component that is set to Replicate to an Actor that is also set to Replicate disconnects the Client from the Server. Note: this does not occur if the Actor Component is already added ...
Zen Garden loads, then the screen fades in and out as if it's ready to begin play. But when the player taps the screen, the only thing that moves are some lensflares, and the level never transitions ...
This is a common crash affecting users. User DescriptionsJust import a Mesh of Fuse Source Context 624 void UnFbx::FFbxImporter::RecursiveBuildSkeleton(FbxNode* Link, TArray<FbxNode*>& Out ...