NavLinkCustomComponent fail to register if loaded with the level

UE - AI - May 29, 2015

NavLinks are failing to work due to UNavLinkCustomComponent::OnRegister being called before the creation of the UNavigationSystem. This results in the NavLinkUserID remaining 0 and the link never tr ...

Crash when setting console command for shadow max resolution to 1

UE - Graphics Features - May 29, 2015

When setting the console command r.shadow.MaxResolution to a value of 1 will cause a crash. CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...

Crash when opening a blueprint that referenced a struct blueprint that no longer exists

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 28, 2015

If a user creates a struct blueprint then references it in another blueprint and then deletes the struct while the editor is closed, the referencing blueprint will crash when opened. ...

Splitting transform pins on add component nodes creates an additional transform pin when duplicated

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 28, 2015

If an add component node is duplicated after the transform pin has been split, it will create an additional transform pin and keep the original split variables. ...

Reflection Vector not translating into ES2 when applied via an Emissive Color

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 28, 2015

When you have a Reflection Vector plugged into a Cubemap and applied to the Emissive Channel of an Unlit Material, the Cubemap will not render on a mobile device with ES2 or in ES2 (Mobile/HTML) Pre ...

Adaptive Tessellation is not updating correctly on moving mesh

UE - Graphics Features - May 28, 2015

User who has been working with an Ocean Shader for some time noticed that on updating to 4.8 Previews, the Adaptive Tessellation is not updating correctly when the mesh displaces from out of camera ...

Building lighting fails on Linux with custom heightmaps in Russian localization

UE - Platform - Linux - May 28, 2015

Building lighting fails when the engine localization is set to Russian (RU). Have not reproduced internally. This issue seems to be related to [Link Removed] since it occurs in the Russian localiz ...

There's no way to stop AI's movement from blueprints

UE - AI - May 28, 2015

AIController.StopMovement needs to be exposed to BP. ...

Collision on rolling ball template floor incorrectly affects player character

Docs - Samples - May 27, 2015

In the rolling ball template, the new floor meshes cause the player character to jump when the player has not pressed any jump commands. It occurs more often if the players movement has been increas ...

Changing hierarchical instanced meshes' transforms on tick spams output log with warning

UE - Graphics Features - May 27, 2015

When several Hierarchical Instanced Mesh Components are spawned and then their transform altered on tick, the log is spammed with the message: LogStaticMesh:Display: Discarded foliage hierarchy of ...