Painted Landscapes have blacked out sections when deployed to a mobile device

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 24, 2015

If a user uses a multi layered material to pain a landscape and then deploys this project to an iPhone 6 plus our an Android Samsung Galaxy Note3 (SM-N9005) parts of the landscape will appear to be ...

Duplicating Collapsed Graph Nodes lose all Pin Links

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 24, 2015

Duplicating Collapsed Graph Nodes that have spaces in the name lose all pin connection links. ...

Landscape Layer blend node inconsistency

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 24, 2015

When the landscape has no textures the landscape layer blend material node will render as the first layer. When painting only holes onto the landscape, the landscape will have a layer texture but st ...

Mouse directly controls Camera Actor directly above 170 and below 5 FoV

UE - Gameplay - Mar 23, 2015

When manually setting the FoV of a camera actor to a value above 170 or below 5, the camera actor itself disappears and the user's mouse takes direct control of the camera actor movement and rotatio ...

Duplicate "ghost" widgets are created when wrapping multiple widgets with a vertical box (From the Hierarchy panel)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 23, 2015

If the user selects multiple widget within the hierarchy panel and then right clicks > Wrap with > Vertical box this will create an extra set of the widget that were selected. These widgets will hav ...

Splitting a struct in an Anim Blueprint does not work

OLD - Anim - Mar 23, 2015

In an Anim BP, splitting the transform structs of a Transform (Modify) Bone node causes the node to be come non functional. Transform components must be combined in order for the node to work. EX ...

Particle Position Node in Material Editor returning incorrect results on Mac

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 20, 2015

Also Reproduced on Main, Promotable-CL-2484152 Particle Position WS Node is returning incorrect results with the following Material Setup on a Mac: [Image Removed] ...

FComponentReference::GetComponent() will cast to UPrimitiveComponent when it should be able to work with any scene component

UE - Gameplay - Mar 20, 2015

The FComponentReference::GetComponent() method can attempt to cast to UPrimitiveComponent when FComponentReference appears to be able to work with any scene component. ...

HideCategories() property is not held when the editor is closed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 20, 2015

Setting a UCLASS() macro with the "HideCategories" property will updated after a hot reload but after closing /reopening the editor the hidden category will be visible again. ...

Outside of AnimBP's, Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not animate

OLD - Anim - Mar 20, 2015

Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not play outside of using them in Animation Blueprints...unless they are looping. UPDATE: A negative rate scale value also breaks Anim Montages. ht ...