Adding an instance static mesh component to a class causes the editor to crash when an instance is added to a blueprint of the class. Regression: Yes - this behavior does not occur on 4.16.3 (CL 35 ...
After deriving a C++ class from another class and then closing the editor, the project will crash when reopened. This crash will continue until the project files are regenerated and the project is r ...
REGRESSION: Yes, in the previous version of PhAT it was easy to do this since there was different modes for Constraints and Bodies In the new PhAT, there's no easy way to see the Details for a sele ...
This seems to be a regression of [Link Removed]? Difficult to say. Originally reported here: ...
Tested on an iPhone6+ on OS: 10.3.3 I changed all of the icons to custom images and the iPhone Retina iOS6 App Icon is what was used for the Settings icon ...
There is a distortion that occurs with Apex cloth when changing the World Origin location. This distortion occurs when you approach after the world origin has been changed. This issue is similar to ...
There is an odd issue occurring when the world origin is changed, changing the world origin causes the foliage to cull in unexpectred ways. The issue can be solved by using the console command "r.Al ...
When a function in a blueprint (BP created or BlueprintCallable from code) has nodes calling that function in the event graph, deleting the function entirely does not remove the nodes that already e ...
In the attached project, collision tracing is performed for StaticMesh of SimpleCollision and StaticMesh of ComplexCollision at the level. Trace is done from sphere trace from BP. At this time, trac ...
When launching the VR Template for example on Oculus Rift but through SteamVR using -hmd=steamvr and disconnecting htc Vive, the player's hands are reversed. Important for titles that want to sell ...