When using a Game instance to modify the sound in the editor the sound will ignore settings made by game instance. This issue appears to be occurring only in the editor, as running the game in stand ...
DefaultBloomKernel.uexp (32MB) included on mobile since it is an EngineMaterial referenced. A PakBlacklist-Shipping.txt (for shipping) and/or PakBlacklist-Development (for development) can be place ...
When using UMG and enabling advanced options then deselecting and reselecting the asset can cause issues with the scrollbar length and cause some options to be initially cut off. The scrollbar then ...
If an FDateTime variable is created in code and has a default value set in blueprints, any instance that is set to the blueprint default value changes to the code default on hot reload. This includ ...
This is not a regression. This also occurs dating back to 4.15 and 4.14. The editor crashes on this check in FLevelEditorActionCallbacks::Paste_CanExecute() when updating the Edit menu state: chec ...
There is a compound issue with using the post process volume. Editing the value by using the mouse or dragging on the color wheel does not trigger this issue. Using the keyboard to edit this value c ...
Disabling the Gear VR plugin causes packaged games to crash on launch. This could be related to [Link Removed] but this is new to 4.16 and does not prevent packaging the project, only launching it a ...
After the timeline exceeds the sequence, the Material on the image reverts to default Red. This does not happen to the color on the font however. This does Not happen in Main and in 4.16.1 therefo ...
When disabling/enabling tick at runtime, if (TickInterval == 0) then DeltaTime returns as the length of a frame, but if (TickInterval > 0) DeltaTime returns as the length between when tick was disab ...
With "Use Default Sample Rate" disabled, animations under 30fps get resampled to 30fps ...