Different CRC32 Results for Repeated Hashing of UStaticMesh

UE - Foundation - Jul 15, 2024

1. Download the Licensee repro, compile, and open:https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/contentdocument/069QP00000CdN7WYAV 2. Press the first hatched button on the top bar, next to the Platforms dropdown. ...

Sandbox Visitors can fail on empty directories on non-Windows platforms

UE - Foundation - Jul 11, 2024

When a Sandbox Visitor checks a directory and it doesn't exist, it returns true on Windows and false on other platforms. The code that uses the result of this check, IterateDirectory, doesn't conti ...

Crash when enabling global logging in 5.4.2

UE - Foundation - Jul 3, 2024

Packaged projects on 5.4.2 (DebugGame) crash immediately on startup when it is opened through the command line using the global logging very-verbose argument. ...

Classes in TargetDenyList modules are still referenced from Components on BlueprintGeneratedClasses and cause runtime warnings

UE - Foundation - Feb 25, 2024

Other than the presence of the error and the performance cost of looking for a package on disk that does not exist, there are no behavioral problems. When running with legacy (non-iostore) pakfiles ...

Cumulative Patching does not work with Pak signing

UE - Foundation - Feb 20, 2024

Cumulative patching is implemented by copying the generated pak files during staging of the base and each patch to the Releases directory. When creating a patch, all of the pak files from the releas ...

GetMonitorSizeFromEDID may fail to acquire the native resolution for ultrawide monitors

UE - Foundation - Dec 20, 2023

For some ultrawide monitors, UE may not correctly fetch the native resolution. GetMonitorSizeFromEDID attempts to retrieve native resolution from the Detailed Timing Descriptor of the EDID, but thes ...

LLM PlatformProcessMemory calculation ignores VRAM, and its calculation of how much memory is used by the process is too low

UE - Foundation - Sep 29, 2023

FLowLevelMemTracker::TickInternal() the ELLMTag::Total (and therefore ELLMTag::Untracked) memory amounts are calculated based only on the result of FPlatformMemory::GetStats(), which on the Windows ...

FMath::Eval ignores groupings while solving

UE - Foundation - Nov 8, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098 FMath::Eval ignores groupings while solving problems. This has caused some confusion with users who are expecting the groupings to b ...

C++ Actor Component is removed from Actors in scene when the Editor is restarted

UE - Foundation - Jun 8, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 C++ Actor Component is removed from Actors in scene when the Editor is restarted. ...

Asset localization does not work properly for Paper2D related assets such as Flipbook

UE - Foundation - Mar 18, 2022

This issue is resolved by changing Paper2D's LoadingPhase to PostConfigInit, but this is a workaround. We suggest a better long term fix via AssetRegistry changes (see comments). In the default la ...