UCharacterMovementComponent::ReplicateMoveToServer checks IsReplicatingMovement before sending moves to the server, but the server does not check IsReplicatingMovement when processing these received ...
Under some circumstances, a character falling and sliding along a sloped surface may get hung up near the bottom of the surface before actually landing on the floor. This seems to occur when slidin ...
When the character class is set to always relevant, if a client travels very far away from another character, such that the character is relevant but the component they're standing on is not (but al ...
If a Character has active root motion while walking (animation root motion OR a Root Motion Source), and this root motion causes vertical motion that "lifts off", it's possible for the Character to ...
When an actor has a Child Actor Component that's a valid moving base for a character to walk on, the ticking prerequisites are set against the Child Actor and not the root owning actor that actually ...
It's possible for the server to send a client's character a movement correction with the wrong movement mode. This can occur if a project has client adjustment throttling settings enabled: Networ ...
A licensee is reporting a sim proxy is playing a networked anim montage with root motion, that the rotation changes will fight between what's produced in ::SimulateRootMotion and ::SmoothClientPosit ...
We are seeing unexpected movement corrections sometimes when pushing one player character up against another character that isn't moving, or against other static primitives that have round features ...
While attempting to connect and travel to a new server, the client's NetDriver will be shutdown, and a new pending net driver created (in UEngine::Browse). When the original NetDriver is destroyed, ...
Reproduced 3/3 times, issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. Issue does not occur for Listen Server players. It's likely that this is a replication ...