Crash when undoing emitter deletion in Niagara System

UE - Niagara - Cinematics - May 25, 2024

Niagara user parameters out of sync between the Sequencer and the Details panel

UE - Niagara - Cinematics - Feb 13, 2024

User Parameters on Niagara actors do not sync in the details panel when animated with Sequencer. Scrubbing in sequencer does not update the details panel. ...

Warning spam when binding the "Frame" property of the HeterogeneousVolumeComponent on the Sequencer

UE - Niagara - Cinematics - Jan 24, 2024

I think it doesn't like the "bPlaying == false" expression for the EditCondition meta tag on the UPROPERTY... You also get these warnings every single time the Sequencer plays through a keyframe on ...

When Niagara is set to DesiredAge in Sequencer, the processing load increases after play

UE - Niagara - Cinematics - Jun 3, 2021

This does not happen in 4.25.4. It has been confirmed to occur with 4.26.2 and UE4main. After playback is complete, a large amount of stalls can be seen in Insight. ...

Modifying Override Parameters on NiagaraActor blueprints created from a System Actor does not work

UE - Niagara - Cinematics - Aug 5, 2020

Modifying Override Parameters on NiagaraActor blueprints created from a System Actor does not work The System component appears to only use the default value set in the System.  This issue does no ...