We have a level with foliage meshes that has been placed via the foliage system. We want to place these into HLOD Layers so that we can disable nanite, and thus enabling the imposter LODs at a dista ...
In BuildProject.txt, to make relative path to the project outside the engine root, all paths contains “..” after action command directory. D:/dev/UnrealEngine-5.5.0//HLODTemp/f09bf0f5/HLODBuilder0 ...
There are options on both landscapes and HLOD layers that when enabled, performs the culling of invisible HLOD vertices (parts of HLOD meshes ending up below the terrain). The option works fine w ...
The necessary conditions to trigger the issue: The WorldPartionHLOD actor to rebuild must reference a packed level actor The packed level actor must be loaded in the map when rebuilding the HLOD ...
When generating HLODs, it is possible for the generator to ignore material override settings. The generator will not respect the constants, and does not change them in the Material with a default se ...
The UVs in HLOD's StaticMesh appear to be broken when there are sections with zero triangles in the fallback mesh. This is most likely the case for sections containing only small parts. Workaroun ...
Happens when using multiple layers:"Testing this further it appears that it only occurs with multiple HLOD layers. The default setup has an instanced HLOD with a merged mesh HLOD parent. If you remo ...