When Simulating, or Playing-In-Editor and ejected, modifying an actor in the editor world causes the SIE/PIE runtime actor to recreate its blueprint added components via AActor::RerunConstructionScr ...
A user has reported that when an actor blueprint enables Generate Optimized Component Blueprint Data, default instanced objects of components are not properly duplicated in cooked builds. This resul ...
In some situations, a Blueprint can become devoid of an Event Graph, or be created without one from the start. For example, function "FKismetEditorUtilities::CreateBlueprint()" in UE 5.4 does not ca ...
Up to UE 5.0, when the "Object Position" node is used in the Material Editor as part of a material with Light Function domain, attempting to compile the material results in the following error: "[SM ...
In a scene without a sky sphere, increasing the skylight intensity will cause the sky to brighten in the pathtracer. Other renderers do not brighten the sky, and the intensity increase is applied on ...
The bug is data layer runtime states can get out of sync between a client and a host depending on the initial runtime state of a data layer and the size of the replicated data layer names array. Se ...
This behaviour was working correctly in version 5.3. This issue happens inside an InputMappingContext DataAsset from the EnhancedInput system. We need at least two mappings entries. One of the entri ...
While Niagara Fluids Plugin is active it creates a memory reference of any saved level regardless of being actually used. Simply enabling the plugin shows a memory reference while deleting the level ...
Triggering an actor component recompilation resets all the variables to the default state on spawned actors in the level. Users can unintentionally lose property settings on placed actors in a worl ...