Unresponsive black screen in standalone when enabling HMD w/ Oculus attached

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 8, 2015

Going fullscreen/stereo on/enableHMD causes a play in standalone to go unresponsive and render as a black screen. Found on: Binary 4.9.2 release (from launcher/portal) UDN: https://udn.unrealengin ...

Possessing a vehicle results in unexpected physics behavior

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 8, 2015

When possessing a vehicle, if you are standing on top of it with a character, once you begin to drive away, the vehicle will begin to be drawn back towards the character as if it is attached somehow ...

Cannot "hit" character in PhysicalAnimation Content Example 1.2

Docs - Samples - Oct 8, 2015

Cannot "hit" character in example 1.2 of the PhysicalAnimation map in Content Examples Does not occur in 4.8.3 ...

Scene Capture 2D will default back to View 0

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 8, 2015

The scene capture will revert back to the Character BP that is placed in the level when player 2 is not moving. When they are moving the scene captuer will show correctly. You can get around this ...

Spline Mesh Component created from KML file doesn't render in PIE after spline point change

Tools - Oct 8, 2015

Spline Mesh Component created from KML file doesn't render in PIE after spline point change I cannot get this to occur outside of the users test project. He is pulling data from a KML file, creatin ...

Editor crashes when adding custom CameraComponent to BP with CameraSettings hidden

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 8, 2015

Using the HideCategories = (CameraSettings) specifier inside a custom CameraComponent class will cause the editor to crash when the component is added to a blueprint. Restarting the editor will sho ...

8 bit resolution darker than 16 bit resolution inside UE4

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 8, 2015

8 bit textures are darker than 16 bit textures inside of editor. ...

Crash on Exiting or Starting PIE with Weight Blended Landscape on ES2 Preview Level

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 8, 2015

When you are in Rendering Preview Level ES2 (Mobile/HTML) and have a level which has a landscape with weight-blended layered material painted on, PIE will crash on Start of or Exit from. [Link Remo ...

UDP Messaging causes extra network traffic on some network setups

UE - Networking - Oct 7, 2015

A few users are experiencing strange network traffic from UDP Messagine. They notice it on other devices connected to the network. In some setups, it can even cause you to have cable TV interrupti ...

Shuffling often does not shuffle last index of array

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 7, 2015

Shuffle disproportionately does not shuffle last index in the array when using the "Shuffle Array" node. ...