Instanced object properties get cleared when compiling some (all?) types of Blueprints (Actor components and user widgets at least)

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 7, 2015

If an ActorComponent contains a UObject property of a type that is DefaultToInstanced, any time a Blueprint of a class containing that ActorComponent is compiled the UObject value is reset to None. ...

Hex code that is applied to a light is forcibly changed with using the Details panel in the World Outliner

Tools - Oct 7, 2015

If a user sets the light color with a node (Set Light Color) in blueprints, it will use the exact Hex code that is given. However, if the user uses the world outliner to set the light color of a lig ...

Struct with a single unaltered element will remove the element from the struct on compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 7, 2015

If used inside a UMG Blueprint, a struct that has only one element will remove the element from the struct after compiling the blueprint. If the element is edited or a second element is added then ...

Control screensaver node does not work on iOS devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 7, 2015

If the user places a Control Screen Saver node set to false into his blueprint and then launches it to a mobile device, this node will not prevent the device from going to the screen saver. ...

UWIdget classes with missing ReleaseSlateResources() overrides

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 7, 2015

UListView, USlider and possibly others don't have ReleaseSlateResources overridden despite having shared pointers to stuff. ...

Particles: SetFloatParameter not always having an effect

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2015

A licensee is trying to use Distribution Float Particle Parameters for the Noise properties of a Beam Particle. When trying to change these parameters in a Blueprint, some work, others don't. When ...

ListenerOverride doesn't work on Mac or Linux

UE - Audio - Oct 6, 2015

A licensee (see UDN link) has reported that ListenerOverride isn't working on Mac and Linux. I've looked at the code and it doesn't appear to have anything that would cause it to behave different on ...

Exporting LOD's from editor only gives LOD0

Tools - Oct 6, 2015

Can't export more than one LOD level from editor. ...

Visible dithered quantization to remove banding in New Temporal AA Quality

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2015

Since changing the temporal history buffer to 11:11:10 from FP16, it looks as there is visible dithered quantization to remove banding when rendering. (Taken from conversation on Forum Post linked f ...

Crash when destroying two components in a specific order in this user's project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 6, 2015

Crash when destroying two components in a specific order in this user's project. The crash occurs under two circumstances inside the LogActor Blueprint: either DestroyLogPart is called for both Te ...