Setting a ComboBox on the Server does not always work

UE - Networking - Oct 3, 2015

Setting a ComboBox on the Server does not always work. In the attached project, a Multicast Event runs some Set Options, all but one of which appear to work on both Clients and Server. On the Server ...

Blueprint macros with wildcard arrays fail to compile when nested

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 2, 2015

If a user makes a macro with a wild card array and then nests it inside of another macro. The wild card array will throw the following error. This can also happens with a StandardMacro like For Each ...

Using SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics causes the simulating bones to ignore constraints and collision between bodies

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 2, 2015

When using SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics to simulate physics for multiple bones, all of those bones ignore constraints and collision between other bodies on the same skeleton. ...

Decimal point does not show up for a spin box when using virtual keyboard on Android devices

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 2, 2015

When the user clicks on a spin box and then goes to change it on a mobile device. The decimal point does not show up. This can make it hard to determine were exactly the decimal point will show up i ...

Expanding a Parent Folder, Opening a Child Folder, and Collapsing the Parent Folder Displays All Assets

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Oct 2, 2015

In the content browser, expanding a parent folder, selecting one of its child folders, and then collapsing the parent folder will cause all of the assets to display in the content browser, including ...

Edits of node properties that are not stored on pins do not diff correctly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 2, 2015

Currently details changes to the following are not noticed by the Diff tool when diffing AnimBPs:State Machines (i.e. Max transitions per frame)Transition rulesConduitsStates This also affects non- ...

Gear VR renders first frame non-stereo

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 1, 2015

When launching Gear VR game on Android the first frame will render as Non-Stereo before flashing to be in stereo mode. This was not happening when tested with a 4.8 project. Tested in MAIN on CL-2 ...

Canceling the Color Picker while modifying Curve Editor colors Moves Transforms Curves

If the user presses 'Cancel' when modifying colors using the Color Picker within the Curve Editor, the curves points are all transformed. Issue is reproducible in the below engine versions: 4.8.3 - ...

Flickering windows with four player PIE on Laptop Geforce cards

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 1, 2015

Flickering windows with four player PIE on Laptop (mobile) Geforce cards. See attached video, or video link from the answerhub thread. It happens repeatedly and very frequently. ...

Sounds Triggered on Android playback 3 times in quick Succession

UE - Audio - Oct 1, 2015

Users are reporting that when playing sounds in projects deployed to their Android Devices, the playback is triggered three times in quick succession. There are known work arounds to this issue, li ...