No visual updates when adjusting the curve editor in UMG for the first two points on the timeline

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 6, 2015

When Switching the curve editor to cubic interpolations for example moving the blue handles will not change the curve. However, if a third point is add this function works as intended from the 2 poi ...

Rotation gizmo affects post processing and reflections in the scene

Tools - Jul 6, 2015

This has been around since public launch. The rotation widgets emissive material will cause trouble with the post processing and reflections in the scene. Especially troublesome if you with bloom an ...

Foliage does not spawn on Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Components

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jul 3, 2015

Foliage does not spawn on Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Components ...

"ERR: Transient text cannot be serialized" after converting to 4.8

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 3, 2015

"ERR: Transient text cannot be serialized" after converting to 4.8. Many users are seeing them in the logs. Example Project: [Link Removed] ...

UMG Widget color and Text color has different output at UE4 editor to Mobile preview and Mobile device.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 3, 2015

UMG Widget color and Text color has different color output at UE4 editor to Mobile preview and Mobile device. ...

Character blueprint tick function does not behave properly

UE - Gameplay - Jul 2, 2015

Character tick event will continue to trigger even if Start with Tick Enable is set to false. Workaround: Setting "Set Actor Tick Enable" to false on Begin Play will prevent the tick event from t ...

Editing an instanced variable that is nested in two other instanced variables causes a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 2, 2015

If a user edits a instanced variable which is nested inside two other instanced variables in blueprint editor, a crash will occur ...

Crash when trying to change game mode settings

Trying to change game mode settings after restarting the editor will cause the editor to crash. ...

Localization warnings when opening a new project in 4.8.1

Tools - Jul 2, 2015

There are a couple of warnings that show up in the output log that are dealing with localization when opening up a new project. ...

Crash Building Lighting with Tile Map in Level

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jul 2, 2015

Built Lighting with Tilemap in ViewportSaved Paper2D Project after editing blueprint graph Building lighting with a non-empty Tilemap causes crash. The editor builds fine with an empty Tilemap howeve ...