GetKnownPerceivedActors doesn't stop calling when specified AISense should be forgotten

UE - AI - Mar 17, 2019

There is a difference in implementation and set of checks that are made in GetKnownPerceivedActors() depending on if you use specific SenseClass or leave it as nullptr (so it will return info for al ...

Changing setting in RecastNavMesh breaks "reference" to NavMeshBoundsVolume

UE - AI - Mar 1, 2019

When you create a NavMeshBoundsVolume, it automatically creates a RecastNavMesh-Default. You can change the settings of the nav mesh there. However when you change settings of this RecastNavMesh it ...

Navigation Mesh ignores Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes using "Build Paths" or the "Build" Button

UE - AI - Feb 1, 2019

Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes are partially ignored after building the navigation mesh. This is causing the navmesh to be generated within all or part the HISM instead of around it.  This ...

Performance drop when spawning AI actors during runtime compared to placing them in world

UE - AI - Jan 9, 2019

There is a performance difference between spawning and placing AI into a level. This is causing issues when spawning/despawning AI actors in a large open world, where 4-5ms of frame time quickly bui ...

Behavior Tree has missing Service Nodes on project load

UE - AI - Dec 4, 2018

In the project is Behavior Tree that implements some tasks, decorators and services, but for some reason, two of my tasks nodes gets initialized with all the pointers to their services set to null, ...

Navigation obstacles remain when turning off bCanEverAffectNavigation in Blueprint actor

UE - AI - Nov 30, 2018

Editing the bCanEverAffectNavigation flag on an Actor Blueprint is propagating the value of the property to the Blueprint instance, but fails to properly update the navmesh according to the new valu ...

Custom CrowdManagerClass reference is set to none when restarting the Editor

UE - AI - Nov 21, 2018

When setting a C++ class that's derived from CrowdManager as the "Crowd Manager Class", will cause the "Crowd Manager Class" value to be set to "None" when the Editor is restarted. This issue was r ...

Dynamic NavMesh disappears when loading/unloading SubLevels

UE - AI - Nov 9, 2018

A DynamicNavMesh within a NavMeshBoundsVolume placed in a SubLevel will disappear if loading/unloading another SubLevel that has completely nothing to do with the DynamicNavMesh. Using a setup with ...

AIController can't properly unpossess character

UE - AI - Nov 5, 2018

There seems to be a bug with the Possess\Unpossess events. Because if you change the last node in "PossessCharacter", which is created in PlayerController(called "PC"), to Unpossess the AI still con ...

GetRandomReachablePointInRadius is displaying non reachable points when radius float values exceed 6000

UE - AI - Oct 31, 2018

When creating an Actor, and placing them inside of a geometric obstacle. GetRandomReachablePointInRadius is giving only non reachable points. The behavior happens when we set our navigational mesh b ...