Occurs 3/3 times. Third Person C++ Windows package crashed on launch with Assert Error Window (see attached screen capture) Regression occurs: Repro'ed in //UE4/Release-4.27 EGL Live @ CL18429761 ...
When creating a blend space within UE5, root motion options are greyed out and can NOT be selected, no matter if the animation has EnableRootMotion checked or not. I also made sure to try an animat ...
It seems that when reimporting a mesh that has added bones we aren't updating the compressed data within the anim sequences to account for the change in indicies of the virtual bones. If a user cal ...
It seems that the compressed animation data within an anim sequence is not updated immediately when a virtual bone is added to a skeleton. If the user attempts to call UAnimSequence::GetBoneTransf ...
Editor crashes when an Animation Blueprint Template is compiled with 'Layered Blend Per Bone' node. ...
Setting Key Interpolation for a point on a curve to Auto behaves differently than it did in UE4. The results are more akin to the User Interpolation with flat tangents. ...
Third Person C++ project crashing on open on Android Devices 4/4 Repro rate ...
Currently UAnimSequenceBase::OnModelModified assumes that a notify is linked to a sequence and not a montage. This causes branching point notifies to lose their linked montage when being updated an ...
[Image Removed] [Image Removed] ...
This problem only occurs when the fixed frame rate is 30 and the Sequence Lenngth of the loop animation is 1.66667. If turn off the fixed frame rate setting, it will behave as it should. ...