Drop Down menus displaying the editor instead of a list of options

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 12, 2022

Drop Down menus displaying the editor instead of a list of options. See attached screenshot. ...

Blueprint Viewport isn't interactable while a Window from the Sidebar is expanded

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 12, 2022

Blueprint Viewport isn't interactable while a Window from the Sidebar is expanded. ...

Left Clicking a menu that contains an option with a submenu will cause the submenu to close while hovering its options

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 25, 2022

If a menu has an entry that is a submenu, and that submenu has entries in it that are also submenus, then the entire menu will close when left clicking the submenu button instead of hovering it. So ...

Saving a Slate Vector Art asset causes a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 17, 2022

Saving a Slate Vector Art asset causes a crash. ...

Noticeable input delay at lower FPS while Playing in Editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 1, 2022

When playing in editor is running at a lower fps (<20) there is very noticeable input delay that wasn't present in 4.27.2. Works correctly while playing in Stand Alone or Packaged. Tracked this iss ...

Size input box too narrow in UMG Widget Editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 24, 2022

Only 2 digits are visible in the size box that holds values between 1.0 and 0. Meaning most values will contain 3 digits. This is different from UE4 where more digits are visible. ...

Closing editor after quitting a standalone game causes a crash.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 4, 2022

The editor will produce a crash most of the time when closing editor after quitting a standalone game. This is a regression due to it not occurring in 4.26. ...

Enabling windows animation causes dropdowns to glitch up and down.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 18, 2021

Observe dropdowns glitching up and down when enabling Windows Animation in editor preferences.  This is not a regression due to it occurring in 4.26.2 ...

Packaging failed after create EditorUtilityBlueprint asset inherited EditorTutorial class

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 14, 2021

Whenever creating the EditorUtilityWidget asset with EditorTutorial as the parent class, the packaging will fail. If the tutorial is not launched the package will succeed. But launched, it will fail ...

[AI] GameplayDebugger can be enabled by key press when a Slate widget is focused.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 12, 2021

Found by licensee. After debugging, it appears that the Slate input is consuming the KeyDown event which adds the apostrophe, but it passes the KeyUp event back to Player input. The gameplay debugge ...