DialogueWave playback calls OnQueueSubtitles multiple times, whereas playing normal SoundCues only call it once at the start of playback. ...
In FTextLocalizationResourceGenerator::GenerateAndUpdateLiveEntriesFromConfig() lines 216-222 are meant to get the Archive Name. However line 218 appears to be a copy of line 210 and is set to Mani ...
Gameplay Debugger is assigned to apostrophe by default. (Project Settings>Gameplay Debugger) While Japanese keyboards can enter the char by Shift+7 key combination, this key combination does not rec ...
If the Subtitles Enabled setting is set to false, subtitles will still display after restarting the editor regardless of Subtitles Forced Off setting. ...
When the Windows 10 Chinese Pinyin keyboard is being used to enter text into a context menu in a graph editor and is interrupted by the context menu being closed, the editor freezes and results in a ...
If the Use Localized Graph Editor Nodes and Pins option is disabled, compiling a blueprint will cause the pin names from any split struct pins to disappear. Regression?: Yes This occurs in 4.13.1 ( ...
When an Umlaut character is in an .ini file in the Engine that is in Perforce as a Text file type, the encoding for the text file becomes messed up once it is synced. This does not occur when testin ...
Creating and loading 1001+ instances of level crashes editor. Frequency: 4/4 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.11.2 Notes While not reproduced internall ...
The if/else statement that defines GetLocalizationTargetByName has the same code in both the if portion and else portion. This means that the same code is executed regardless of the evaluation of t ...