Disable runtime crash processing allocating too much memory

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

User has included logs within his AnswerHub post. Spoke with Jarek S. regarding the crash reporter issues he's experiencing, Jarek has requested Jiras: "​Allocating like crazy is caused by the run ...

Cannot generate a callstack from the user's dll

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

The dumplogs and any other logs requested from this user are listed within this AnswerHub post. I do have the DMP logs currently on my PC if you're unable to download them, they're 1.9GB Jarek S. h ...

Crash processing is taking 3 minutes to complete

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

Jaroslaw S requested a Jira be put in for this issue, their logs are attached to the AnswerHub post: "Based on the logs, it looks like he is getting the callstack now. I noticed that one part of th ...

Swarm Agent Local Host of Coordinator not showing up in Coordinator

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

A Computer which is hosting the Swarm Coordinator no longer shows up as a viable Swarm Agent Computer and if that computer builds lighting will only use itself and not any available agents. Also re ...

Unreal Frontend output log is garbled if using non-ASCII language

UE - Foundation - Core - May 25, 2015

If you set the editor language to a non-ASCII language like Japanese, Korean or Chinese, any localized strings that have non-ASCII characters will appear as "?" in the output of UnrealFrontend. [Im ...

Mass is not calculated if an object's Collision Enabled field is set to No Physics Collision even when Simulating Physics

UE - Foundation - Core - May 22, 2015

If an actor has 'Simulate physics' enabled and the Collision Enabled field is set to anything other than Collision Enabled (i.e. OverlapAll sets this to No Physics Collision) then mass is reset to 1 ...

Equals (==) node in blueprint is case sensitive for the Cyrillic alphabet

UE - Foundation - Core - May 21, 2015

If two strings or names are compared in blueprint using the Equals (==) node, it is not case sensitive in English. It is case sensitive in Cyrillic however, even though it should be the same functio ...

GetAllocatedSize returns inaccurate number of bytes

UE - Foundation - Core - May 20, 2015

When calling GetAllocatedSize() on a TBitArray it will round down the result of MaxBits / NumBitsPerDWORD. This means that not enough bytes are allocated when the MaxBits is not divisible by NumBi ...

Using FObjectFinder outside of the constructor causes crash

UE - Foundation - Core - May 19, 2015

If FObjectFinder is used in a function other than the constructor, which should not be done, it causes a crash. ...

HeaderTool issue with comment format

UE - Foundation - Core - May 18, 2015

If a user is attempting to apply a header comment to a function, if the following syntax is used, the editor will return the error "End of class header encountered inside comment" /** @brief Values ...