Enhanced Input Pressed Trigger firing twice

UE - Gameplay - Input - Apr 14, 2024

GetTriggerEvent() in a function bound to an enhanced input action in C++, returns "Triggered" when bound to the "Started" trigger event. ...

Enhanced Input does not fire a "Cancelled" event for mappings that were in progress, but removed during a key-rebuild

UE - Gameplay - Input - Apr 1, 2024

If the return value of a trigger goes from ETriggerState::Ongoing to ETtriggerState::None, without returning a ETriggerState::Triggered, then there should be a "cancelled" event that is fired when E ...

Enhanced input actions with Down triggers mapped to gamepad buttons can get into a bad state after viewport focus is lost

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 20, 2024

When we have an enhanced input input action that uses a Down trigger and is mapped to a gamepad button, for example Gamepad Face Button Left, it can get into a bad state when the game is unfocused. ...

Enhanced Input Action Key Remapping maps old mapping over incoming mapping in an unintuitive way

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 7, 2024

On EnhancedInputSubsystemInterface.cpp:1040, RebuildControlMappings has a check to preserve mappings for identical action key maps. In most cases, this appears to work correctly; however, in the cas ...

Create a "Input Device User Mapping Schema" of some kind for PC

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 13, 2024

When you are playing a game on PC (especially local multiplayer) many developers want to change how input devices are "mapped" to different players. For example, a single player game might want the ...

Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1 does not work

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 2, 2024

This is a regression from a long while ago that needs to get fixed ...

FlushPressedKeys doesn't clear EventAccumulators, resulting in stale data

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 26, 2024

From the user:  The root of the problem appears to be that KeyState.EventAccumulator still has events stored in the structure for 'LeftAlt'. So, although UPlayerInput::FlushInput is called when the ...

Enhanced Input Action Triggers may be silently ignored when using multiple bindings in a context

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 15, 2023

The root cause appears to be an order of operations change made for [Link Removed] (CL 18309493 in UE5/Main). On EnhancedPlayerInput.cpp:238, the TriggerStateTracker is combined with state evaluated ...

Request to add manual overrides to "Equals()" function on input modifiers

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 7, 2023

From the user:  > Up until 5.3.1 those input modifiers were identical apart from the instanced data. If you upgrade to 5.3.1, not taking the new IMC files, the sensitivity settings will never get a ...