The user reports that the Landscape Spline Width and Side Falloff isn't respecting Unreal Units in the Editor. The usage for comparison is a Cube that is scaled up 7x to Splines that have a Width of ...
Licensee says that adding multiple InstancedStaticMeshComponent instances can be very slow (main bottleneck being the physics building). I think there's a good case for a method something like: ...
When a landscape uses simple collision, the returned physical material can be mismatched. This seems to be a result of ConvertHeightfieldDataForPhysx within ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent: ...
Landscape LOD tessellation creates big holes in landscapes. ...
Generated from CrashReporter Unhandled exception ...
Crash will occur when attempting to use Flatten tool on landscape while in VR Editor. Confirmed in 4.24 MAIN @ CL 9084132 Confirmed on Vive and Rift ...
When having large landscapes with a tessellated material, loading time after hitting Play in Editor is much longer than in 4.22. Found in 4.23 CL# 8386587 and 4.24 CL# 8971176 Working as expected ...
We are having a display issue with tiled landscapes displaying well below full tessellation in editor, but displaying fine in game. We can "fix" this issu by unchecking "Use Default Falloff" in deta ...
It breaks only when compiling the preview shader. Adding a preview weight to the Layer0 on the Layer Blend node fixes the problem. The source of the bug is in UMaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerBlend ...
OccluderVertices didn't consider the subsection's transition, so the position of the OcclusderVertices are not correct. I made a fix as follows: [Image Removed] [Image Removed] ...