DTLS Handler Component module cannot startup on Xbox

UE - Networking - Dec 1, 2022

It seems as though enabling the DTLS handler component no longer functions on Xbox, and it's possible enabling this packet handler no longer works on other platforms as well. It may also be worth in ...

Hit Box components created by listen server at runtime won't replicate

UE - Networking - Nov 17, 2022

Reproduced 3/3 times. Issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. This is By Design. Replication for actors is disabled by default, and need to be enabl ...

StartPlayInEditorGameInstance doesn't consider bStartInSpectatorMode for client instances

UE - Networking - Nov 15, 2022

In UGameInstance::StartPlayInEditorGameInstance, the server instance will go through the normal process of creating the URL using BuildPlayWorldURL, which checks the FGameInstancePIEParameters' bSta ...

NetStartup actors may receive old, unreliable multicast RPCs when becoming relevant again with replication graph

UE - Networking - Nov 15, 2022

Unreliable multicast RPCs won't be processed for connections where the actor isn't relevant (this is checked in UNetDriver::ProcessRemoteFunction). However, UReplicationGraph::ProcessRemoteFunction ...

InPartialBunch can cause crash in FNetBitReader::CountMemory during memreport

UE - Networking - Nov 9, 2022

An actor channel's InPartialBunch won't be deleted and cleared until a new partial bunch is received. This can result in a situation where memreport counts the memory for an old InPartialBunch and i ...

UWorld::InternalGetNetMode uses DemoNetDriver, leading to unexpected NetMode being returned

UE - Networking - Oct 25, 2022

UWorld::InternalGetNetMode will use DemoNetDriver->GetNetMode() if there is a DemoNetDriver, resulting in NM_ListenServer being returned when recording a replay. This seems to have been originally a ...

Network Emulation outgoing dropped packets on client higher than expected

UE - Networking - Oct 14, 2022

Under certain network emulation settings, it looks like outgoing packets from the client will be dropped in groups (around 4 or more packets at a time) rather than individually. This leads to the ac ...

Reliable Multicast RPC may be called before BeginPlay for character on client

UE - Networking - Sep 28, 2022

Related to [Link Removed], where calling a multicast RPC in BeginPlay results in the character being spawned on the client with the incorrect role/initial property data. One thing to note: this does ...

Push based fast array with net.PushModelSkipUndirtiedFastArrays not replicating across multiple PIE sessions

UE - Networking - Sep 19, 2022

The conditions for this bug are fairly specific. The actor must be statically placed, with its only replicated property being the fast array, and net.PushModelSkipUndirtiedFastArrays must be enabled ...

Client may receive failure message before ClientTravel RPC during non-seamless travel

UE - Networking - Aug 9, 2022

See linked UDN for more info. When a server initiates a non-seamless travel, it will inform any connected clients by sending the reliable ClientTravelInternal RPC. After a delay (controlled by Serve ...