When the user closes the tab in the blutility window it is impossible to get the tab back. Problem persists even after closing the editor. ...
Variables cast from the Construction Script do not update in AnimBP AnimGraph The attached project has the head scale value cast from the Construction Script to a value in the AnimBP that scales th ...
It appears that "Convert Transform to Relative" can be confusing. Users are saying that they expect the nodes to be swapped in what they think their function would be. One person as suggested that a ...
Setting "Is Enabled" via the animation timeline in UMG does not appear to work at runtime ...
[UPDATED INFO] After some testing I discovered that using the "Paint Vertices Single Color node" on event tick is what is causing the issue. Using this node with event begin play will not crash. Th ...
Using the option Services->Generate XCode Project fails to update the XCode solutuion. This prevents source files added to the project from the directory to show up in the editor. Regression: No - ...
A crash occurs after setting the shadow scalabilty settings to "low" then clicking on an item in the viewport. The issue also occurs when setting all of the scalabilty settings to low at one time as ...
Running a dedicated server with the setup in this fairly simply project causes a crash when a client connects. I'm unaware of the actual cause but getting the reproduction was all I could do. Logs ...
A user on the AnswerHub pointed out that his reflections when using a Movable Skylight with Distance Field Ambient Occlusion produces black results when combined with a reflective material. I trace ...
When using the Spawn Actor from Class node, the Spawn Transform Scale is being multiplied by the actor's original scale, instead of just setting the scale to the Spawn Transform's value. In 4.11.2, ...