This is a top crash occurring in the 4.11 Preview Editor crashes when exiting and having a widget blueprint open. Regression: Yes does not occur in 4.10.2. ...
After adjusting viewport shortcuts in Editor Preferences, the Persona viewport seems only partially responsive to the changes. It's as if the viewport shortcuts are hardcoded for Persona. Example ...
Spawning a StaticMeshActor at runtime results in the StaticMeshActor not being visible until a property has been changed, such as the material for the Static Mesh. The spawned actor will also have n ...
The splash screen on the iPhone 6s is stretched when loading. Tested alongside the iPhone 5s and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for comparison. The stretching only occurs on the 6s. iPhone 6s: 6240_iPho ...
After making some changes to a Data Table, attempting to PIE fails and returns this error message: Cannot Play In Editor When Performing Edit MemberVar_1 operation. This occurs after closing and sav ...
This issue has been reported by two different users with very similar circumstances: Both report the editor freezing when trying to compile UE4.10 C++ Projects running Mac OSX 10.11.1 if no audio i ...
If the user flips a widget using the scaling feature in umg (scaling the widget by -1) this will cause the navigation for the widget to becomes incorrect. ...
A User's specific Static Mesh FBX made from OSM2World and converted from OBJ to FBX via Blender is causing a crash when imported with the following settings: [Image Removed] When imported with the ...
Instanced meshes called in player character do not correctly register overlaps with other actors. ...
When viewing a point drawn by DrawDebugPoint, the point is about 100 times smaller when using an Orthographic camera instead of a Perspective one. ...