Cannot add additional keys after the curve editor has been selected in UMG

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 24, 2015

If the user creates an animation timeline in UMG and then clicks the Curve editor then the user will no longer be able to place keys anywhere else on the timeline. ...

Changing WITH_SUPSTEPPING prevents 4.10 from compiling

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 24, 2015

In the file EngineDefines.h, changing 37 to read "#define WITH_SUBSTEPPING 0" will cause the solution to fail the build process. ...

Target.cs file not located in game Source directory leads to DLLs in Engine directory

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Nov 24, 2015

A user has discovered that if the editor target cs file is located in an out of the ordinary directory, the dlls are built to the engine directory instead of the game directory. ...

Enable Collision checkbox does not affect static meshes from static mesh editor when set to false

Tools - Nov 24, 2015

Setting the Enable Collision checkbox to false in the static mesh editor does not alter collision on static mesh objects. ...

Provisioning Profile not found when using cook on the fly on MacOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 24, 2015

A user has reported that they are unable to get a signed IPA when using cook on the fly for launch from within the Project Launcher. ...

Memory Usage Remains High After Exiting PIE

Tools - Nov 24, 2015

Originally, a project that uses about 500 mb of memory spikes to over 2 gigs during PIE. After exiting PIE, the memory usage remains well over 2 gigs and continues to rise. Found in 4.10 Binary. R ...

Memory Use Steadily Increases in Editor With No Tabs Open

Tools - Nov 24, 2015

When in the editor, the memory use steadily increases ~1mb/s and rises indefinitely. This occurs without having any tabs open, and without performing any actions in the editor. Found in 4.10 Binary ...

Investigate intermittent crash in CacheOptimizeIndexBuffer on Editor startup on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Nov 23, 2015

Building 4.10 from the GitHub release branch on Linux fails to open after install and instead crashes Community Suggested Fix: Switching triangle order optimization off with r.TriangleOrderOptimiza ...

A Client cannot join a Server after setting a GameMode in the OpenLevel node's Options string

UE - Networking - Nov 23, 2015

A Client cannot join a Server after setting a GameMode in the OpenLevel node's Options string. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.0 binary, and Main (CL# 2776829) ...

Exporting an Uncompressed AVI Movie from Matinee creates Incorrect Alpha Channel

Tools - Nov 23, 2015

When creating an uncompressed AVI movie from Matinee, the final video is darker than what is previewed in the editor. I was able to narrow it down to the compression as the cause of the issue. The ...