Line Trace's chained together into a ricochet do not work on all normal directions. They seem to fire inside of the object. The blueprint setup in screenshot #2 is in the MyCharacter bp. ...
In the Animgraph of an AnimBlueprint, Using Custom Blend Logic results in the "Frames to Cache Pose" field being duplicated if "Delayed Freeze" is selected. However, if "Standard" or "Freeze" is s ...
When you deploy the First Person Template to a mobile device, the sun will appear badly rendered or not rendered at all. Tested on iPhone5S, iPad Air, GalaxyS3 Mail, Nexus 6, iPad Air 2, Nexus 5, G ...
Renaming a Blackboard Key removes it's references in the Behavior Tree ...
Renaming a Parameter in a Base Material will make all instances of that Base Material in the level and the instance's thumbnail reset to default values from Base Material until the Instance is opene ...
The Ease Node when set to use the Function Ease In, Ease Out or Ease InOut the Blend Exp will reset to 2.0 on each editor reload. It will even break variable inputs to return to 2.0. Reproduced in ...
Editor crashes when Timeline Play Rate node is copied/pasted. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Callstack: MachineId:4E82586D46B558EA69EF0EAA821297B1 EpicAccountId:1558531203f84e81 ...
Using AddTorque to apply a rotation to a skeletal mesh does not always provide the expected results if a fixed time step is being used. When doing this to the Owen character in the Content Examples ...
If you include UMG in your project and deploy to an HTC One, the project will crash on the device. Tested this on multiple devices (Galaxy S5, HTC One, NVIDIA Sheild tablet) Monitor logs are atta ...
Actor references in Level Blueprint show an incorrect display name on their nodes after converting the project from 4.6.1 to 4.7 Preview or 4.8. Reproduced in 4.7.1 Preview 4 and in Main (Promotabl ...