There are issues with the way Physics is being handled with physical materials. Having a physical material setup with a restitution of 1 and a high max depenetration value will result in no bounce. ...
Cannot set the Rotation value of an Instance Static Mesh component if the scale is set to zero. This can be done with StaticMesh components and standard Static Meshes in the level. ...
Play from Here incorrectly adjusts player spawn when large grid snap values are used. ...
When trying to open a one of the widgets in this users project, the editor crashes. ...
Blueprint viewport doesn't show the camera preview. ...
If you create a UMG with an image in the Umg that is not a power of 2, The image will not appear on an iOS device. Tested this on a Android device (Nexus 5 with ETC1 and ATC. PVRTC will not allow t ...
If a user tries to add a button to the designer tab of a widget blueprint the editor will crash. ...
Edit: This probably has nothing to do with macs. <unknown module>! UBlueprint* CastChecked<UBlueprint, UObject>(UObject*, ECastCheckedType::Type) <unknown module>! UBlueprintGeneratedClass::GetAut ...
Users custom AI project crashes if anything is Built. (All, Lighting, Geometry, etc.) The project can be played but receives a message during play that the Navmesh needs to be rebuilt. ...
When starting a new project, I know I will need the same or similar hierarchy of folders. I like to create these in advance of populating them with content. These empty folders are purged once the ...