Motion Warping component is disappearing on Editor restart or when swapping engine versions. When this occurs, the BP has the following Compiler Results messages: Component class is not set for'Mot ...
In UE5.5(final), when adding plugin from an older version of Unreal to a BP project, we are informed that the "Engine Modules are out of date, and cannot be compiled while the engine is running. Ple ...
Currently, using the string "None" as a hierarchical node identifier inside a Gameplay Tag (for example "A.B.C.None.D.E.F") is not disallowed by the engine, but results in some incorrect behaviors. ...
Lumen GI has temporal flickering/noise after running the Editor for 3+ days. ...
CSM targets are still created and affect the InjectTranslucencyLightingVolume pass when moving in a project that only uses VSM causing over brightening of fog planes and other translucent meshes. r ...
Focus mode in the Editor does not handle Actors without PrimitiveComponent correctly, treating them as if they were at the origin (0,0,0), skewing the camera placement. Some Actors like the WorldDat ...
Consider a UStruct with some basic type members, each one with a default value specified in the struct. Also consider a TSet or TMap with that struct as keys, used inside a UObject as a UProperty an ...
The UPaperSprite::BakedSourceTexture will be nullptr in a packaged game if the sprite is not referenced by the UGameInstance. The attached sample project demonstrates this scenario. ...
Light injection into the Translucent Light Grid voxels does not use the correct location for clipping or attenuation. Both of these points are outside the voxel that is being updated. Light attenua ...
From licensee: A simple example is setup in the project, the relevant part is just this code: UCLASS(meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent)) class TESTBUGEDITORONLYEDITOR_API UEditorOnlyComponent : ...