When the Lit > Actor Coloration > Affects Navmesh or other Actor Coloration mode is used, Nanite meshes apply lighting differently than non-Nanite meshes which can make it difficult to use the Actor ...
The Material Instance UI doesn't show the correct parameter values when the logic is moved from the material graph into a material function used in that material graph. Example setup showing the wr ...
FAnimNode_BlendListByEnum assumes that values within a custom enum type are sequential (ie. the index 0 = value 0, index 1 = value 1). But this is not true of all custom enum types, for example: U ...
In some situations, a Blueprint can become devoid of an Event Graph, or be created without one from the start. For example, function "FKismetEditorUtilities::CreateBlueprint()" in UE 5.4 does not ca ...
Up to UE 5.0, when the "Object Position" node is used in the Material Editor as part of a material with Light Function domain, attempting to compile the material results in the following error: "[SM ...
Linked Asset trees do not transition correctly to Tree Succeeded if using an On Tick transition. The Debugger shows that the transition is triggered repeatedly but no state change occurs. Instead, t ...
In a scene without a sky sphere, increasing the skylight intensity will cause the sky to brighten in the pathtracer. Other renderers do not brighten the sky, and the intensity increase is applied on ...
When a realistic sun Lux value of 20,000 for the sun directional light, interior light leaking is much more pronounced then when using the default directional light Lux value of 10 Lux. ...