Sequencer- FComponentMaterialInfo isn't exposed to Blueprint or script, leaving script users having to call deprecated paths

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 26, 2024

The ComponentMaterialTrack recently got upgraded to be able to animate parameters on different types of materials. This meant using an FComponentMaterialInfo to describe which material was being ani ...

Copy and paste from one sequencer to another does not work correctly

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 26, 2024

Copy and paste from one sequencer to another does not work as expected. Let say there is a certain folder structure like this;[Link Removed] Then you press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C for copying and past ...

Chaos Cache : When Min Speed To Spawn Trailing Particles > 0, particles are never spawned by chaos cache trailing events

UE - Niagara - Data Interface - Jul 26, 2024

Because UniagaradataInterfaceChaosDestruction::HandleTrailingEvents does not respect incoming TrailingEvent data, the debris velocity during chaos cache playback is always evaluated as zero. The fo ...

UI Flickers in Packaged Movie Render Queue builds

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jul 26, 2024

Removal of ReplacementSceneComponent leaves trashed components during WorldPartitionResaveActorsBuilder

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Jul 25, 2024

Running WorldPartitionResaveActors builder can detach attached actors. ...

Visual Logger bForceUniqueNames does not result in unique names (regression)

UE - AI - Debugging - Jul 25, 2024

Just a regression introduced with the VisLogger changes. ...

Crash after generating HLODs for merged meshes that have all triangles culled

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jul 25, 2024

Light Complexity view mode crashes if there are hair cards in the scene

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 24, 2024

The Editor will crash if Groom Hair Cards are viewed with the Light Complexity View Mode. ...

Outliner freezes when searching in large maps

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 24, 2024

This is because SSceneOutliner::FullRefresh is called every time the search text changes, which repopulates the whole tree. There's a few options to look into here (first two might be tricky with b ...

In UE 5.4, some config variables are not getting saved correctly, due to the new User/Editor rules.

A lot of properties are not getting saved correctly to custom configuration files. This looks like that it can be cause by the FConfigContext::PerformLoad function. New conditionals have been added ...